new collected merge for upcoming firmware release
- new release 2016.1 in gluon is there, that means also openWRT ChaosCalmer
- fastd limit is set to 2, not 1 - see
- statuspage and nextnode for better locale debugging
- ssid-changer - change ssid when freifunkrouter does not have any internetconnectiopn (add offline to ssid)
- change configmode - outputpages and also add en.po - while it is often needed as default (but not translated, its just a copy of german, could also need some supersweet formatting enhancements)
- added fallback second timeserver from "v6_internet"
- rebuild site.conf and add many options (which are not neccesarily active) (as needed and described in gluon latest doku )
- take care of different grouping and reset them (to prevent fastd double entries which would both be ignored then)
- add fallback autoupdater module (node login as client if loosing freifunk mesh network)
- decrease mtu to 1280
- make manifest with every build
- added 2nd FW Downloadlinks
some gluon related notes
. change respondd to c-based programm (instead of lua)
. make autoupdate process more secure and robust
. add many router models
. changing in tx power setting
. many minor "bugs" , enhancements
actual example build is in
build parameter for Freifunk FF
time make GLUON_TARGET=ar71xx-generic V=99 GLUON_BRANCH=stable GLUON_RELEASE=2016.1 2>&1 | tee make_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).log